patvin you crazy frenchman we met at kennedy lake a few years back wheres joe setting up this spring do you know anyhow email me at we can talk in private!!
qx--- setting up a crew? im in! ive picked chanterelles in northern coast for 4 full season, im in quebec, flying this week to chek out tree planting (5th season) but im pretty shure ill be picking morels, and since there was only prescribed burns, well i was hoping yukon would have another season! so whats on your mind?
Thanks to our newest sponsor, Anne-Line J Roche.
i just want to no if somme morel out and bc thank to every one
Hi gang, just a thought - we all have health authorities in our respective regions. Most of them are the dictators of whether or not we can sell our mushrooms there or not. I have an acquaintance who's done well selling his autumn and early winter pickings on craigslist in the last couple years, when he couldn't get his usual price from his old buyers. maybe would be a good one too. And how good are the local farmer's markets in your regions? do they allow wild mushrooms? i know there's a lady selling jams made from wild stuff all over V. Island right nwo... (the Jam Lady - I think she's from Cassidy) anyhoo, just a couple thoughts to help folkls get better bucks for their work. Full buckets! shroomkid
niiiccce,been too long since ive gone out hunting,working as a janitor at the local mall since december .............
OOPs don't know what happened some pics. came out twice... others didn't show ??
Yo treeguy If you've downloaded that pic. before then it came from me... no bs. LOL this pic. I took last year on a 2 year old burn ! NOTICE THE KNIFE... it's in a lot of my pics. I'm also going back this year for a 3rd. year yeah ! gotta know where to look !! I had it all to myself , dried 15 lbs. still eating them... LOL here's a few more pics for ya : cheers !! full buckets to all !!
shooting stars are up, rain and snow happening at the moment. ttthat's all folks :-) happy trails, peace.
had me thinking you picked that one for a minute there sammy ;}..,till i realized i have downloaded that pic at least once myself lmao
Evening all !! warm rain tonight on BC. south coast.... verpas almost done... conicas should make a show sooooon !! just a quick note on verpas: I only use them as an indicator (timing). The bad news about verpas is that they contain toxins , one in particular is MMH , rocket fuel compound , not very good for the liver... I stick to the true morels cheers full buckets all !!
Steve from Oregon, I am on an extended foray and it is too difficult typing on this portable to get into the verpa and false morel question too far. Suffice to say that I value my liver's future functioning abilities too much to eat false morels, but many folks like eating them. As for half frees I have not heard much negative about eating them, though I am sure there is lots of opinions as well as internet research available. There are plenty of conica flushing in SW Oregon to feed morel hunger as well as natural and logger varieties up the valleys and into the Gorge, up on the south aspect. West side still has lots of snow.
Qx,I was in Valemont in 1993.There were shrooms everywhere(Jackman Flats),but they were all wormy.Good luck with your Yukon trip,sounds like fun!Full buckets.
Thanks Tinker, I'm in Calgary now and not too far from Vailmont, BC where it popped big time in 1993 and nobody seemed to notice. However, I am interested in getting a crew together for the Yukon or NWT for morels in the future. I still have all my gear. :)
Qx,nothing has improved.As a matter of fact the industry has slid much further down hill since 1999.I would suggest that you save your gas and time unless you plan on harvesting for the pure fun of it.Good luck.
What are the prospect for the upcoming morel and pine mushroom harvest this year? I know the economy is getting really bad but what about the prices? I used to pick around Terrace, BC and the Yukon but prices got really bad back in 1999 or so. Has anything improved?
Carla, anybody who picks mushrooms steps on them at one time or another!!! Later, Matsiman
At least u can find them. When I go Morel picking i hear a lot of "Stop, You're stepping on them"... lol
What do you guys think about verpa's/half free morels? I have been eating some they taste very good and no side affects. I do parboil them finding last several weeks
Thanks Carla, I'm not very good at morels. I went back yesterday and found a few more. Ran into a couple ladies picking. The area can't support but a couple people and is defiantly not for commercial pickers, they'd starve on what is produced there. Fruiting never happened in open areas. Fruiting has started in shaded areas and has already moved into canopied areas. Later, Matsiman
Congrats Matsiman :-)
Mariinoia is type o mushroom?
Hey everybody, Found morels yesterday, about 1/2 pound in CJ area. I was at 2500 feet on a southeast slope. They were just getting started, but didn't see any babies. They weren't natural. It's just a small area so I'm not going to be more specific. Good hunting to all. Later, Matsiman
Looks like august has another bad case of marinoia this year... lol
yes pine king i did get your email, thank you ,,let me know what is out there at this time ,,,, we can discuss product.s and price,s as they become avaliable,,,fresh morel and fiddle head should be close,,,if you have any other item,s in the mean time let me know
Kinda slow for morels. I only got 11 pounds in an hour today in a small low cut but the big cut about 200 feet higher is not doing anything except gyros and cups. This looks like an excellent year to take up drywall or plumbing. Thanks Carla, that helped a lot. I am dealing with a stingy IRS agent right now trying to nail me for $250 for each 1099misc I didn't turn in to report on my buddies. I have receipts. Hey Augie, you really do worry a lot about Marin. I really doubt Marin knows crap about truffles, since you had to show him everything else and you said you don't know truffles.
I just re-read my answer to coby and I am not trying to be secretive, I just really have no plans as of yet. I keep hearing it is gonna be an awful year so we r waiting to find out a little more b4 making any plans at all. Coby if u have mushrooms now u can call me at 541-269-2309 if u need a buyer.
Hi TC :-)
Coby, We have no idea of the price as of yet :-( It changes so much in this business. As to where he will set up, that will be wherever the most mushrooms are hopefully ;-)
Fiddleheads 250 641 2905 .....Terrace 99
Hey Carla when is your hubby gonna open. Im a Coos Bay picker and am getting ready to go get those Morels. Where is he gonna set up and whats he paying
comox valley chef Did you get my email?Mine is
mary, There is know were that i know that gives out that imformation. I can say that all the units have had fertilizer put on them every fall ive been showered by them when i was picking chatteys.If a cut was last year it should have fresh planted trees on it this spring. I hope this helps.A good weekend to get out get some mushrooms.
chuck, since I wasn't here last year, I'm having my difficulties figuring out which cuts were from last year. I don't suppose there is anywhere to specifically find out what was harvested last year and if it has been sprayed or not, is there? Without having an insider in the lumber companies...
Hello folks., Well we are been having 20 degrees nights here ., nothing is moving just yet , even the maple trees are not budding , it appears that is going to be a very late start to the season , anyways I just installed a renewed version of my website., ., check it out, it has some nice pictures ., Hope every thing is going well with you all and full buckets to everyone.
mary, I was picking a south facing cut, last years cuts are best.There is a small burn east of roseburg oregon. Sisters will be in the next couple weeks. good luck everyone
Chuck, you picking burns or cuts or naturals? One pound in an hour sounds like a burn or cut to me. Nice! I picked a couple pounds+ yesterday. This weekend is going to be warm and that should really make 'em pop. Good luck out there....
Truffledog i forgot to add something to my last post, in most cases of 1099's it is indeed how much money the company paid out but in a mushroom buyers world it is done differently. We send in an invoice that says how many pounds we bought and in another column is our commission for that mushroom. The company never actually knows how much we made they know that if i billed them for 100 lbs of chants at $5.00 and my normal commission of .50 lb then their bill is $550.00 and they would say they paid me $50.00. In most cases I did not make $50.00 but maybe about $43.00 after round ups. So getting a 1099 for $50.00 puts me in a position of having to keep track that i gave picker A 1.23 and Picker B 2.11 and picker C 1.99 and so on but instead i can just report that i bought 100 pounds of chants for $507.00 and sold them for $550.00. My receipt books are all the proof I need then :-)
Mattie that is a wonderful idea! ;-)
Hi TruffleDog. My way of keeping permit records also lets me keep track of how much i paid for every mushroom. I have a set of records that are kept by Picker numbers and even numbers are private property permits and odd numbers are permits that can expire and need to be updated each year. Instead of keeping a book that each picker signs (and see's every one Else's info) I give them a key chain with their number on it and that number is put at the top of the receipt, the picker initials that same receipt. Every expense to do with that picker is put on that receipt, if they get a 50 bcuz they really had a bad day it is on there and it lets me keep track of every penny i spend and the irs is satisfied that it is a legitimate expense because it is signed. There are also many other expenses that seem trivial on a daily basis but at the end of a week or even a month they do indeed add up. When a picker makes 97.67 and i give him 100 that is considered to be part of my cost for those mushrooms. So at the bottom of that receipt it says 100 not 97.67 because i don't wanna pay taxes on money that I never made. As for 1099, they are just a pain. It is much easier to keep track of what u did make instead of trying to keep track of how much of that commission you really did not make. According to a 1099, i make $.50 per pound but very rarely do we actually make that much. It is much easier to keep track of receipt totals and report my actual income than trying to explain to a stingy irs agent that mushroom buyers do indeed give away money very often as a matter of fact every day...
Come on guys...lets don't get into name calling and complaining again...Let's just get on with the mushroom talk and get along with each other, makes life a lot more fun...
Ok Marin (Truffledog) get lost.
Truffledog Don't you have better things to do then bother people. I guess you are here harrassing people because you don't have a life or you can't find any mushrooms.
Since you are so Curious George, all of us in the US work for the IRS or we don't work legally. As far as I am concerned, illegal residents can stay home, too. Unless tax revenues are being generated by the mushroom industry, there is no business. I am not singling anyone out. For all I know, "Joe" is just some guy that posts to the board to laugh when pickers go out to fill his orders. I was not even going to post about him but he has been haunting here lately. Carla, however, is a legit buyer that sells to Trent (nice guy). As such and since you have posted here for several years, you are fair game for questions. Carla, your answer about taxes was confusing. A 1099 from a company only tells you how much money they gave you over the year. It has nothing to do with your profit or loss for the product that you sold them. If you gave a guy $50 for one pound of chanties because you felt sorry for him, that is $50 in income which he is obligated to report so it goes on his 1099misc. Question to field buyers (not small time indy buyers): Are the pickers that sell to you your employees? If so, pay workmans comp, payroll taxes and unemployment. If not, they must be independent contractors or independent vendors. Since that seems to be the case, then 1099misc forms are required to write the purchase of their products off of your tax bill. According to the IRS, IRS Form 1099MISC must be issued to each U.S. independent contractor that has received payments in the calendar year that total $600 or more for services (including parts and materials). Form 1099MISC must also be issued to U.S. individuals that receive awards, honorariums, and prizes in the calendar year that total $600 or more. Once again, how do you write off your purchases without filing a 1099misc for your contractors? I need to know.
Wow! 5 pounds of morels and 40 pounds of truffles made for quite a week last week. How much are morels? Carla - I did not disparage you in my last post. I just asked a question about 1099s. Joe the odd posting mushroom buyer - I really don't care about you at all unless you were the prison guard from Pendleton that ordered fall boletes and did not take delivery. If this is you then you really aren't much of a buyer. When you order stuff, take it. No worries, I moved it for more. I just hate to pick to order when the buyer won't take delivery. Kinda curious though, why would anyone volunteer to be in jail?
No Fair Chuck.... Grats on your find!
Good morning!!!! While others were picking up easter eggs i picked a pound of morels this morning in about a hour. Lots of little ones.Have a great day everyone.
Hapy Easter Everyone!
I see this board is alieve and well. I just drop in to see if Carla was posting Free Coffee here. She's not bring coffee to Mad morel board.
pine king did you get my e mail address ,,,i am still looking for the wild things ---get back to me asap
Evening all !! finally got something to put on the board ... BC. south coast . Looked at the calender , weather for the past few days ... figured it was time to go look for signs.... bohemicas are out !! I figure another 7 - 10 days conicas should start poppin if we get some warm rains . :) cheers , full buckets to everybody!! Sam in BBY.
sorry, wrong chuck, my mistake!
well, whats the price you say you know me, but you ask where i'm.If you knew me you would know where i was????????? I,m in the south willaette valley about 120 air miles north east of carla;)
Hi Hookupz® . I was not looking for anyone to take over, My son will work the buy station if I ever decided to leave. We were actually thinking of opening another buy station close by but not replacing me ;-)
Hi manicjon, Now as we all know, I don't sell any product to any individual, I always give them Trent's Number. I have zero accounts for
Here is an interesting observance from the Tripod Peak burn of 2006 being picked in 2007. Some enterprising buyers that were working the Upper East Side (Loomis area for an example) sent persons who spoke Mexican out into the near-by orchards and migrant worker living areas to recruit people to pick burn morels. I have worked in Spain so do not jump me about calling the language Mexican, that is where those who speak it originated and that is the language of which they speak. I have met numerous such (in norcal, Idaho, Montana, Oregon & Washington) who are picking wild gourmet mushrooms without having documents to do so legally. My two favorite buyers who were purchasing in the Conconully area of the Tripod Peak burn were (Carla’s husband Arlis & Joe Berry) as far as I know they were not involved in the situation I am referring to and I prefer to deal with buyers I feel are honest with me and others. Last summer I met a picker from Honduras who had been sent back at borders about three times before he managed to get to Idaho to pick the burns.
Carla, I have used my real name and I know that Joe D. posts with his real name. I would guess that this post..... Date: Friday, April 03, 2009 Time: 06:55:54 PM ...... would be the one where Joe and Carla were named by the truffledog. I do not know what he is alluding to in the post but he makes it look like he is blaming Joe & you for some alleged deal that fell through.
chuck 8888 where are you ? i think we run the same woods! leave email please I know you! p.s. nothing yet for me this year! soon!
Have seen some naturalz and have reports of oregon naturalz just showing headz... carla did u ever find someone to take over your buying station last winter?
I had 1 picker call me and say he found 1 morel but I have not personally seen 1 yet. Anyone else found anything close yet?
Chuck, ur awesome!
MONZ- U c'mon r u really saying u have never heard of a work visa... Give me a break... There is a difference between the 2 things...Look it up if u need more info
Good morning!!!!!!I saw my first little moral poking its head out in a loged unit. Please everyone this is a mushroom site so lets talk mushrooms.ONE WORLD, ONE PEOPLE WHEN WILL WE GET IT RIGHT!!!!!!!!!Have a great day everyone
Carla, cmon. Every legal immigrant to to US works hard to get his papers and cards and are proud of those documents. They almost always show them before you even ask. It's not hard to ask for a green card. Everyone who has one knows what you are asking for. Give me a break!
Hi Shroomer Tom, Say hi to the rest of the family for me :-)
And as for the "Illegal Alien" Talk going on around here these days.... Just how do u know they are illegal? U do realize that there is no English test to get a "Valid and Legal" right to work permit for the USA. I just cannot figure out how anyone can tell without asking the person directly....If u have no knowledge of their language how in the world can u be sure they even know what u asked them?
Hi TruffleDog. I do not give out 1099's but the picker "has the responsibility" to report their own income and depending up which type of business they Choose to file as, it can be hurtful to them. had a company that used to give me a 1099 but no longer does because they actually have NO IDEA what i truly made. The 1099 does not include the guy who had a really bad day that i slapped 50 bucks in his hand for 1 basket of mushrooms, nor does it include the guy who blew both of his spare tires so I gave him an extra 50 to maker sure he gets out of the woods the next day. A 1099 is truly unfair, for me it is way easier to count the mushrooms and the money at the end of the night and that is what i really made. As a corporation we can indeed legally put those expenses INTO the cost of the mushroom...
Hi Curious George, I am glad to hear it wasn't me. But I never see anyone but me use their real name. :-)
carla got your call but you forgot to leave your address well ill miss you today unless u recall ill be passing though, your town one day ill get lunch from u lol
NO Carla, I was not referring to you, I apologize that it might have looked that way. I specifically mentioned that the truffledoggie person had maligned you and Joe in the same post and thought that excluded you. I now believe that the dog was barking at your names because you two may be the only buyers he has knowledge of. The crew persons that I was referring to are a bit 'North in the Bend' from you. SORRY, I should not have even mentioned Coos Bay. I thought you were south of there? I know you are not out of Cottage Grove where a buyer used to send out crews and does deal with numerous persons on 'foraging vacations' from south of the border.
so im looking for a buyer on fiddell head clean or drirty eugene,or area
carla whats up u no answer u phone
Hi Curious George , Are you referring to me? I do not send out crews anywhere and I really do think asking a person for his green card might be insulting to them and I am not gonna go there.... I can not for the life of me think of another buyer in our area that even uses their name on here.
Ran across some BLM workers N of Coos Bay and showed them a permit. They wanted to take a picture--honest--they said it was the first one they'd seen. Most of the pickers they see are illegal crews, including some from the North Bend area.
hookupz® ; You are correct and buyers should not purchase from illegals if they are known to be such. My concern was that two buyers who often post on this board were singled out and maligned. That is not a nice thing to do and had nothing to do with illegals. I am not aware of any other regular west coast buyers who post here using their real name, we do get an occasional person but they are not regular friends of this site. I could name some buyers from north of a coastal town very near to Coos Bay who send out illegal crews and purchase from them but will not name names, for now.
Greetings All, My telephone has been off for nearly a month now. Haven't been able to get email or check messages on the boards. I'm suppose to have it back this Tuesday. I'll be able to read boards then and answer questions. The problem with the phone is related to the transfer of the phone back to the forest service. Something went wrong in the process. Later, Matsiman
Sorry to hear about Kitwanga George...knew him for years...used to see him at A&W in recent years ! RIP George !
Sorry to hear about Kitwanga George...knew him for years...used to see him at A&W in recent years ! RIP George !
hookupz Your right the companies should not buy from illegal aliens. We need to support locals and take care of them......
what truffle dog is saying is that there are buyers who knowingly buy from illegal aliens because they can take advantage of their illegal status and do not have to pay the true price to localz. I couldn't agree more. Some ppl are getting worked up here but when you turn on the lights, the cockroaches scurry!
My condolences also, it is always a sad day when a fellow forager is no longer here to share in the adventures.
Hi J, I am sorry to hear that.
To the Mushroom Pickers in The Nass Just to let you know that Kitwanga George died last month, heart attack.
TruffleDog, why are U 'dogging' an HONEST JOE, buyer who is willing to put his name on the line here????? This is the second rant that you have posted in recent time about mushroom legality and the IRS and the first time that I have noticed you singling out honest buyers to slam. I have followed the mushroom picking circuit for many years and always filed my Schedule 'C' IRS form along with my taxes each year. I have never seen any requirement for any other forms to be filed. I spend hundreds of dollars each year for mushroom picking permits, maps and other related expenses of which I deduct on the Schedule C. I have purchased mushrooms in Oregon and kept the required information sheets on each picker with permit number. You seem to be inviting 'Big Brother' in to regulate what is an individual thing with personal responsibility, The State & Federal Governments already require permitting processes and regulation, they issue tickets for non-compliance. I have some questions for you; Do you work for the IRS, the US Government or Canadian Government? Are you a rival buyer attempting to discredit the competition? I have observed rival buyers sort out the low-grade mushrooms and attempt to dump them on a competitor. Do you pick fights just to watch the reaction? Fall boletes that come from moist Spruce areas often go bad quickly (this may make them unfit for purchase or shipping), especially if they have critters inside. If you have developed a history of providing poor product to a buyer or are trying to 'dump' poor product from the competition, then soon no 'honest' buyer will deal with you.
Truffledog Not to mention pickers don't work for anyone they are independents they can sell to any company, therefore you don't have to carry 1099. If they do work for you of coarse you have to file a 1099. And no i don't have picking crews. However, with the economy, I might lead some good citizen's to some patches to make some extra money. And again they are independents they can sell to any company. No one owns pickers. There is an old sane if you treat the picker good the picker will treat you good. Over the years I have found that to be true.
TruffleDog For any company the picker must have a valid commercial permit. It is the buyers responsiabiity to keep records of what they pay out to each picker. If an individual makes over $600.00 of coarse you have to report the information whether it's over or under that amount. My expense is the the price I paid for the mushroom.
" 'Any company hiring illegal workers should be fined and the officers of the company jailed.' You may want to take that complaint up with the Forest Service. They are the ones selling commercial mushroom permits to people who have no federal tax ID number. It is very easy to check and see if someone has a fedreal tax ID number and it should be required before selling permits to work on taxpayer land."..... Buying a commercial mushroom permit gives one the right to collect mushrooms in quantities greater than "personal use" permits. The commercial permit also gives one the right to sell the mushrooms. Someone without a tax id number should be able to buy a permit for more than personal use. Buyers should be responsible for checking tax id numbers at least for pickers that sell over $600 to one buyer in one year, since it is required by the IRS. Question for USA buyers ( the odd posting "joe" - are you the one that was a prison guard in Pendleton and stood me up when you ordered fall boletes?- carla,etc.): Do you collect the social security numbers of the pickers that sell you over $600 of stuff per year? If not, how do you legally write off the cash purchase as a business expense if the person did not get a 1099misc? I really need to know.
matsiman> would love to go out on the nov outing. let me know if spots are available still. thanks again.
got the gold dude,thanks alot,nice packaging technique,they wouldve had to try really hard to break that one,keeping the film case as well,the bottle looks good sitting on the wifes desk :)