We had a great time too! Those fried chicken mushrooms were supreme a new favorite to add to my list. The only bad thing with all those mushrooms took at least an hour to clean.
Jennifer it has nothing to do with you just something I had read and was just like to know who he was.
Thanks zoo picker but who was to guy that started the show?
hey guys thanx for the trip and bringing the ladies we rocked them yellow feet and hedge hogs and some matsi too - must do this again in the future, was fun.
Yeah I remember....the ol $1000 club right? what a hoax...welfare had to come and get everyone out...whata year!!! 93 and 94 were better though...ZP
Germany and Steve look forwords to the group foray c u bright n early on the hill
bring ur cameras
I have a big Q for Rocky, Who was the buyer that was going to teach people how to pick matsi in 1992 and they lost big time for the lack of mushrooms and he got Rich and they lost. and for those that won't to know what im talking about, go to the Archives to July 20 th at 8:35pm of 2008
Garf my email Is Jennifercarroll97320@ymail.com
SUNDANZ called and told me. thats fine. We will meet you on the corner up top. My GF wants to go get the hegies!!! Her favorite.
Talked to sundanz said you guys are going to be up there early. Planing on changing hours so Stacey and I can get up there. We probably won't make it until 9=9:30. This time I will try to remember my camera show off some of those HUGE buttons. Also would be nice to get some hedgehogs I found some Chanties up there last week but I have had almost my fill on those.
STEVE, now i know where you found those big buttons. Thats right where i found my very first matsies many years ago. saw them, pulled em and cut em up. Noticed there smell. then went on to pick chanties. We have some very nice German ladies new to the area. i am taking them up on sat. so they can pick some chanties. 1.8 miles down that trail is my hedgehog and yellowfeet patch. very nice patch. went and got some of my own nice big buttons turkey morning. And some boletus buttons.
now that sounds delicious that cake now to find candy caps.... probably don't grow here..... sent you an e-mail jen .... did you get it??? if not mine is ger_takeaguess@hotmail.com.... it didn't show it went through like it usually does .....ger
Johnny Roach has passed away.Nov 25
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all who celebrate it this day.
I have sent an Email with photos of how I cooked my turkey, duck & chicken combo last year.
Fresh white truffles 100$ / oz boglezaq@yahoo.com
Candy caps are a maple sented mushroom the stronger sented ones come from oregon california border you can put one rounded table spoon in a yellow cake mix and bake it ..your house will smell verry good for a week after its baked drizzel maple surup over the whole thing and eat warm
kay matsumora was buying all grades of mushrooms in mt currie bc about two weeks ago ... and he was paying more than the other stations ..... the stations buyers said he just got back from japan and thailand ..... new contacts and contracts ..... just what they said .... ger
sorry no recipes jennifer but enjoy that turkey.... happy thanksgiving to all our neighbours to the south..... i had a friend who made a great stuffing using matsutake .... anyone in bc getting any mushrooms... what are candy caps jen..... guess i better get out my book..... i have a few good pics from this years picking but don't know how to post them on here .... think i'd learn but ..... got them on facebook ..... enjoy the woods everyone and the serenity and peace it brings ..... out for now ger
Does any body have a great morel stuffing recipe I have some dryed also does any body have a good candy cap recipe ... happy thanksgiving ... im thankful for mushrooms and people like all of you god made a good thing when he made those two things
Does any body have a great morel stuffing recipe I have some dryed also does any body have a good candy cap recipe ... happy thanksgiving ... im thankful for mushrooms and people like all of you god made a good thing when he made those two things
"Happy Holiday"to you all and eat and drink but be safe. Football to all that watch
Now that is some good New,Thank Mary
Now that is some good News Thanks Mary
Thank Andy
A", Haven't seen or heard from him in a couple months. Last I heard he was working with Shawn, his picking buddy and friend. mushroom mary says he is alive ad well. Her message is on the other board.
Later, Matsiman
Andy, Do you any info on Woofer?
Why I am retired no need for sport.
A......get a job!!!
Hi this is jennifer97302 and my email.is jennifercarroll97302@ymail. Com.you can feel free to email me off this board if you wish and I know there is more puzzle pieces to this puzzel slackzilla what did you mean on your post about editing.? Cascade king what's your email
Howdy, I'm disappointed at some of the posts concerning Chris, and or August. Discussion is what this page is about, but not name calling. It only creates more posts in poor taste.
jennifer97302, want to insure you, you did nothing wrong by posting here. The above paragraph does not apply to you. Lots of really good people here that will help with understanding and happy to share a picking day and patches with you. As Carla says, "Trolls go away"!!!
Later Matsiman
Less dogs means less money means less employees means more work for me got to love this economy!
Hi all,
Sundanzkid good to see posts from you. Germany Sundanz Saturday would be a no go for me busy with the Thanksgiving weekend got to suck up business when it is good. I f conditions are still good next Sunday (not this weekend) I think I could make some time. Sundanzkid if you have a good way to get a hold of you short notice that would be good hard for me to make plans anymore than a day or 2 out.
Just for your info I only made !00.00 on the Mt St Helen's foray and three hundred for what I sold to Chris for dried Morel and 150.00 for the day with the camera crew and not from them, but from Chris! . Chris still has a bill for $ he said he would pay me. Even I like other's have $ coming but when ??. I would like for him to do what is right for but its not up to you all to trash talk about what I do and I am not anything like what your saying and for you Ueatmyelk you are totally wrong in what you have even heard.
Just for your info I only made !00.00 on the Mt St Helen's foray and three hundred for what I sold to Chris for dried Morel and 150.00 for the day with the camera crew and not from them, but from Chris! . Chris still has a bill for $ he said he would pay me. Even I like other's have $ coming but when ??. I would like for to do what is right for but its not up to you all to trash talk about what I do and I am not anything like what your saying and for you Ueatmyelk you are totally wrong in what you have even heard.
Germany your 1 handed, gee leave you alone for 3 days and you go samuri on me, can Bree chop wood if ur up to it, saturday could be good, Steve has been so busy at his dog park, been hard to get time to go out with him, so been hunting with my other steve,
and thru the grape vine I heard that Jennifers moneys were used to fund matherleys serria trip, mt hood trip, the bonus volcanoe trip where more funds were used to pay August off as a guide for there and mt rainier and all along the way he kept charging money. not sure how he is able to make any friends when he is so openly dissapointing, dont need to make a connection with anyone like that, if there is 3 upset people there has to be more who have had a bad taste of chris. I do hope you get your money back, but man its been over 8 or 9 months - there is always small claims court and judge whopner to help expose him, id watch that on TV - lot of money id be doin something
Clegrl!!! HELLO THERE !!!! Screw them furthest I am concern Chris is a Pofs., and August continuous association with him is in the same category. Your observations are not helping them ., it does insults my intelligence, it just makes it look worst., further I am concern they are no too far apart., Please I want to be civil however I don't mind to be crude ., What they have done it's despicable.
Hi, I am sorry to hear that you have not had a refund Jennifer. Very sad. I went on a forage with Chris and August. Chris is a very sweet & gentle person. I have to believe he is suffering over this and hope you will get an amendment. August had nothing to do with my financial transaction with Chris as I am sure the same as yours. I do not believe it is in good nature to attack ones character, coming from one who was not involved in the situation at all. It just leads to wrong rumor's ect and shows the true character of a person who would act out on a website message board. Not you Jennifer.
Well it is the waiting game part now of the military. I am scheduled to go and sign my contract this comming Monday. I havent gotten my results back yet but expect them 2 day. This is the week I am to be hearing back from the one restuarant I interviewed with. I hope to atleast have another option to look at over this holiday time. Either way I will be putting in my notice and looking foward 2 one of these jobs. hate to post and run but got to be at work. I hope everyone here as a great thanksgiving and I will post as soon as I know more. Duncan
Hello there : I just got back from woods completely soaked it's raining cats and dogs , went out because we made it into the 40's it has been very cold for the past 2 weeks we barely made the 30's common sense tells me mycelium went to bed, but I could not resist taking that "one last look"., I'm already having picking withdrawals and when I read about your finds I want to take the first flight out of town and charge up to your hills to start picking , some year ., Germany haven't you learn the difference between a hand and a chunk of wood ? well now that you are a one hand picker you should ask for Jennifer's assistance ., Seriously take care of that hand you never now when you will need it . Best wishes
JENNIFER, I dont plan forays. I just go picking. i stuck my axe in my wrist Sunday and have very limited movment in my left hand. Hit arteries and nerves, real messy. So now i am a one handed picker. lol. where are you located?? I dont have your email. depends on where you are located. When we could go. there are a couple of us here locally that love to just pick. we dont sell. we love taking pics and cooking.
STEVE AND SUNDANZ, all around the snow gate this time of year (freezing) will grow those huge buttons. I have found them in 4 inches of snow. they give off enough heat to melt the snow on top of themselves. Got to be right on them to find em like that but it is fun. we should get together and go before it snows too much. i would like to pick while its still time.
rats! little stevie not only little stevie. enjoy what you wish for. Blessings
jennifer97302 sorry for your plight - the truth is finally coming to light - your not alone and not the only one who got burned by the M club. it is good you spoke up cuz others need to hear your side of the story and not just to close friends. I was also at a loss but not near 7k like you, I also know he has owed you for a long time, He better pony up and repay like a real man - keep us posted
Hi all,
Does anyone know if there is anything in Powell River this year, and any idea on prices. I'm thinking maybe for the weekend. Thanks.
correction - yes I know 2 steves in oregon and neither 1 goes by rock head as a nickname, steve glad you bonused at the bolete spot, knew it was the zone far above germanys spot at the snow gate, that whole area is the jazz. broke many records this year, like endless matsi's, endless kings, giant blue chantys and a 2lb hedge hog, still stuff to be had out there
Go choke on a death cap better yet swallow it!
Jennifer97302, Sorry I could not call you anytime soon but I well as soon as I get some time and in the mean time lets keep the e-mail line open ?. August
Thank you all also a big thank you for the number and yes I wiil go on your free foray germany email me when you get one together
Powell River Jack : Yes it will help a LOT ., now I just need research weather patterns for 1998.and 1999 and see if they are any correlations or similarities with this year or last year and if I notice somenthing striking I will post the information ., Thank you and don't eat to much turkey .
gerry landrys toll free #1 866 717 6677
gerry landry had an 800 number , i think he posted it here on matsiman
Which Steve from Oregon also goes (use to go by) Rock Head?
For Forest Harvest: That year was 1999. Hope that helps you.
STEVE FROM OREGON, yes those are some beautiful buttons. i love to pick in the snow!! however you wont get any more money from them. i will pick till the snow is too deep to melt. JENNIFER97302, you want to go pick for free?? you name the species and email me. germany17@msn.com and forest harvest said, you need not apologize to anyone. thanks for the info.
Jennifer you don't have to apologized to no one. whoever has problems with your post is an idiot , For once I am grateful you posted the " News" ., It's always useful to know with what type of persons you are dealing with , And I'm the one who should apologize to your for my lack of empathy but we had a lengthy argument here in this board about the wisdom of such "forays" and I was angry because personal ethical problems with such venture and I did suspected that nothing good would come of such venture , again my apologies and hopefully you will get your money back.
Im sorry if I have made any body mad here that's the last thing I wanted to do please forgive me im just looking for answers ....it sucks when trust is broken and friends are lost ...thank you for all your help .... and I would love to go on a FREE foray after all id drive to the ends of the earth for one I payed for that never happend lol .no realy im truely sorry for the drama ...
What do you think those pound plus buttons would sell for. Do you think you could get some kind of premium for them.They are by far the best Matsi's I have ever seen and when you cut them up the flesh is perfect you could not find any better. I would say if ones are the best these must be something like a half or .5's. As you can tell I was very happy with the find.
Yes it is the same place you think it is. But some of those trips with the pictures he was up there with a different Steve. Another Steve I think from Oregon. They still have not blocked of the road for snow so you can go further up. Oh and that area I actually showed him.
Hello Folks: I Need some Idea Of What A Fair Retail Price On Fresh Porcini's Is At This Time Of Year? I Have Customers & Shrooms But Want To Be As Fair And Competive As Possiable! Thanks In Advance! Good Luck To All !
STEVE FROM OREGON. I am a friend of sundanz. I was given some of the blue chantrells you guys picked and have seen the pics of your trips. In the area you pick, when the temp gets colder the button grow huge. I myself have found buttons over a pound up there. One year i found a 1.8 lb button there. Snow picking is my favorite. I believe Sundanz has taken you there. he knows where. Good find.
Boletus Joe, Boy are you funny!!! I can't sell anything! The Matsiman Seasoning cost me $2,000 to get going. I sold maybe $500.00. I'll look into the costs for hats and T shirts. We have a company locally. They used one of my pics on a T shirt they produced. Later, Matsiman
Powell River Jack., You were mentioning that in your picking diary you had only one year on record that was as low in production as this year , Could you please tell me if you remember what year it was ? Thanks in advance.
Hi Andy..... Have you ever given any thought to "Branding" MATSIMAN . I know you have done the smoked matsi thing. But what I am talking about is ... Hats and T-shirts and that ilk. I, and I'm sure others, would be interested in purchasing a hat or T-shirt with the "Matsiman" name on it... It might have to have some kind of Logo that we could recognize. Mind you just "Matsiman.com" would probably be enough. This is going to be a tight Xmas for a lot of people. And perhaps this kind of thing would make a nice gift.
Just a Thought....
does anyone know where Kay Matsumora is at the moment? I know he is here somewhere buying low grades.
I would like all to know that am not here to start a war and I hope for all to see and know that many thing's we have done in are past dose come back at us but that it is good! So that we can learn from what we have done and maybe try another way in learn new things and better are selfs so that others can learn from us. Chris is Chris and Gerry is Gerry and what they may have done to others has nothing to do with me. I to have been placed on the I.O.U lest and that between me and Chris and no one needs to know by what!. I do care about what has happen to the others and theres not much I myself can do for them. I well pass on info to them and only them when I find out anything that could help them in what they have lost. Gerry, I know you read this board and if I was you, you bast take care of the" BILL" if you have not all ready.
Hi all,
Found some amazing #1 pounders today. Some of the biggest and freshest # 1's I have personally seen. The elevation was about 4000 feet and with the cool temps no where close were the worms! Sundanzkid if you see this it was my Bolete spot. I really wasn't sure I would find anything this late but figuredd everything else has been late and I was right. The matsi's I found were without dought PRIME!
Forest Harvest, Sorry you fill the way do about me but I think you would be better off trying to get to know me and understand what makes me who I am . If you were to have been at home the day I called you just mite of learn some thing more about me than what you read. But then its your loss. I have nothing bad to say about you and who may sale there shrooms to you are where they picked them. Some one once told me to get a job and stop picked but then, If I had done that they would never have received my day's picking's and they alway never ask me or anyone els where we picked so do to the job thing I stop selling to them and low and behold they went under and lost other picker's that heard what they had said to me. Remember the picker is the only one that gives the buyer his job and livelihood and if you say are do the wrong thing you well loss!. I still have not and well not say a bad word about you tell you and I have a person to person talk or you say the wrong thing to place me in like Gerry . I know what has happen and it has nothing to do with! so if you won't to go on a witch hunt look some were els. Peace be with you. A"
Jennifer,I am sickened by your story.Jerry Landry is a money grubbing snake,and it sounds like Chris Matherley isn't any better.There are a lot of great honest people in the mushroom industry,but there are also a lot of losers.I wish you the best of luck and hope you get your money refunded.
my apologies A.
Ps . Sorry but I do need to add this: Someone posted in my name, It is the post in which someone said that " August also was taken" it's not mine, I don't know who posted it . many people were upset with August about his involvement with Chris "forays" ( myself included ) ., However if " he was taken" he was forewarned about the resentment such "forays" would develop so I guess everyone got what they deserved.
Leo, Why have you not return my call back in Oct or was it in Sept?
Hello folks . For the people that doesn't know me , I am a mushroom farmer as well as a mushroom picker and buyer from New England ( western Ma. to be exact ) ., I have a website for my operations www.forestharvest.com. check it., I have done business transactions with people that uses this site and no one as ever complained about me ., I conduct myself in a strait forward and honest way. furthermore I have never used any other name than Forest Harvest which is my business name , I Hope I clarified some of your questions, Happy holidays to all ., Sincerely Leo .
just wondering. A",August,Madmorel are the same person but the other's are not and I don't know who the other's are.
need some help guys and gals. im within driving distance of the oregon/california border. i moved up here recently, but i used to do alot of collecting ( for my own personal use) in butte county CA, above oroville. id like to start doing some collecting up and around oregon in the goose lake and lakeview area. can anyone here tell me when would be the best months this spring to head up there, and what would be good dates to go and what mushrooms i could expect to find up there??....if i can find someone that would be honest with me ( im not interested in any sort of commercial picking,etc, id just like to get a bunch for myself and the family) id be happy to turn that person onto my patches in butte county as i no longer live down there and the spot holds 3 large patches of matsutakis and several patches of king and butter bolets....you can email me at johnsguns AT frontiernet DOT net
Fresh Hedgehog and Chantrelles for sale... picked in an ecologically friendly manner locally found in the pacific NW contact Zach Bogle: boglezaq@yahoo.com or phone (503)507-5005 Prices Negotiable.
Im not trying to hide im trying to be heard my email is jennifercarroll97302@ymail.com .I was going and I payed him in full for two people that's roughly 7000 dollars and he has not payed me back he gives me the runaround and tells me the garry landry has half the money so he tryed to get me to take credit on future forays ..That's not what i want I payed cold hard cash id like my money back not credit that's all. I think that's fare after all I drove up to watson lake with my husband& one 6year old and 18month old baby it took me 6 days and when he canceld I was stuck with out a hotel ..I could not just turn around I had hotel resevations for the return home ..nothing was avalble there was a drilling outfit filling all the hotels up .he said roughly 10people were going and if thay all payed that's a lot of money im puzzeld ?
doesn't 'mad morel','keeper of the forest','forest harvest', etc all sound like the same guy ('a','august')? just wondering....
Hi everyone! Chanterelles coming in in northern cal. I'm getting $4/#. Is there any action in southern oregon (mtn. lakes or the coast)? I'm visiting family in Ashland for Thanksgiving and have an extra day to foray. Thanks! And power to the pickers
Even august was taken and he well not talk about it with us.
Hey there ! , Jennifer thank you for letting us know about Chris "forays"., and well I would not be surprised if Chris and crew end up swindling unsuspecting fools. I do believe that the only picking they know it's picking fools pockets . Hopefully He would no show up here, we really dislike his type.
Jennifer L if that is right and 97302 is Salem then I know you! It's not that hard to find you!!@!
97302 is from Salem so Jennifer why do you ask?.did you put in for the trip?as fare as I know there were no people from around here that was going on the trip. tell us more!!!
How can I e-mail you with info jennifer
Hi did any one pay chris matherly to go on hia yukon trip.. 08 and if so did he pay you back when it did not happen
Boletus Joe,
I shall leave a private message about it on the other site later today or as soon as I get the time, I shall leave myself a note...
puzzledmattie & Carla,
I was discussing the missing Woofer with Mary a couple of weeks back and I called his cell phone. I got his voice mail and left a message to call me back but he still has not done so.
I figure if his battery was charged so that he could recieve messages .... and since his mail box was not full then he must be ok but just is not responding anywhere on mushroom sites.
Maybe he just is not wishful of being contacted.
He is or was a moderator on the Oregon Myco Board and someone told me that he has not showed up their either for some time. Perhaps something did happen and someone else is utalizing his phone.... hummmm, something from the twilight zone????.
Keith. You and Carla are buyers that post here and That is good.You take care of your Pickers and I like that. I hope others fill the same and good luck for next year. I would hope more Buyers would take time to post her and let there pickers know how they fill as well.
I wanted to let the pickers who have brought us chanterelles this year to know that we have now closed for this season.
It was a pleasure to work with all of you and I thank you very much for helping us to move towards what we are trying to do. I look forward to doing business with you next year.
Have a nice holiday season coming up and please stay safe this winter.
Keith Hunter First Nations Wildcrafters, BC
Message for "A": We get very little snow here in PR. When it does snow it is usuale gone the next day. That is the way it was last year. Snow on ground here on the coast is an non issue. --Powell River Jack
I tryed to e-mail him but no mail can be sent
I was wondering about Woofer the other day myself. I haven't seen or heard anything of him on any of the sites I go to. Sure hope he is okay.
Hey, anyone know what happened to Woofer? Haven't seen hide nor hair of him in months and months....hope he's doing ok...anyone heard from him?
well all! I went for the over night stay/fast/physical yesterday. I passed all the exercise testing, groaping and other stuff. I am waiting the results of my ecg and eye pressure testing which the optom said was great. I hope to know back by Monday-Tuesday the latest withy the outstanding results. On a positive note for all of the military members in here I am starting at an E-5 level of pay! and a bigger signing bonus up front for my college credit hours. Well i got to run. just want to say thanks to all of you who have messaged me back over the past 5+ years and to all of you that I have meet keep the mushroom picking alive and well. Yeah I will hit the woods when I get the time but just pick one for me and say this is for the spirit of my brother DUNCAN! I will lean on those feeling from you in the time of the season. Oh and hell yeah I will post here until I pick my last mushroom late in my life! MATSIMAN ROCKS!
10 bucks a lb seems pretty low for slim pickens powell river jack..... my bro lives over there in black point area but hasnt been there long enough to know many spots there yet..... he picks around here more ..... he heard some guy getting 10 lbs of buttons last week which isnt a lot , but at 30 it would be a good day.... full buckets and might have last look on the weekend ..... til then firewood Brigade ger
Andy, You are the best moderator. Always calm yet you discipline people gently.
Boletus-Joe, Very humorous “Wish well” message to Duncan and his family. So very nice to see this type of message once in a while. As a fungi fan I love to read this message site.
powell river jack, I`ve picked your area alot and seem to recall finding loads of cauli`s but you are right not a single one this year....not even in my new area around hope.Lots of chant`s,went to P.R about a month ago and got a feed of pines...a-long journey but worth the feast! Shoegy
Why all the gloom? There have been matsi seasons before when we didn't start picking down here in southern oregon till thanksgiving. Are we giving up? Is it really over?
Hello folks ; Well this last cold front ended the season, until next year ! , Garf this matsutake season was also very unusual , some areas flushed some others just trickled with not many mushrooms at one time just a few at the time however many of them were over one pound each and on other patches nothing at all . I was wondering if you checked your patch, ( the one that you said you needed to climb up the hill ), and if you picked any at all , I am starting to believe that it could be a production cycle, It seems unusual that the east and west coast had a very similar matsutake harvest. )The distance between the coasts and different weather patterns that we had this year ), , hence the idea of a fruiting cycle vs. a yearly harvest . well hope you are doing well and had a productive season,
Wall Street. If thing's keep going the way there are (and they well) We may not have a market for mushroom's next Spring or Fall. We may need to ask for a bail out are self's and ask that the Joe"s be put out in the dark side along with those that rob from the Poor and give to the Rich just to get Richer.
A baked potato are just potato hmmm? so that is why I have so much hair on my head. I'm a meat an potato man!.
Manicjon.... is Tiaga Tea, in fact Reishi tea? If not. could you please leave a link or some info describing just what kind of mushroom, conk, or plant it is derived from..... All I get when I Google it is a bunch of URL's that are trying to sell their tea. any further info from anyone would be appreciated.
I just noticed an error in my post of yesterday...
I used Tiaga, Cambyi & Devils Club in my tea mix. After it is done I place it into the refrigerator to drink as needed.
I feel that it makes a good respiratory and immune booster for me if I feel any bug coming-on.
I find that the Tiaga also stops hair from clogging up my shower drain but then so does a diet that includes a baked potato every couple of days.
PRW, I noticed how small the Cauliflower mushrooms were to.The variety of mushrooms over all were really down also.Patches that were really pumping last year were almost dead this year.
Power River Jack, here is something I like to ask you. Did the snow from last year malt late this spring?.
Been terrible year here for Matsi. Been retired since Jan and was hoping to bag a lot of matsi. Not this year. Looking back on my picking diary over twenty years, I can only find one year that was as bad, and lack of experence on record keeping, I did not make notes on weather for that year. This is the strangest game. Lots of chants though, but noticed something else. Anyone on or near BC coast notice the lack of Cauliflower mushrooms. The few I saw up to last week were few and far between and very small. Wonder if there is a connection?? Next season is already less than a year away. There is still new matsi showing here and at $10 a lb. you won't get rich. Still fun with the hunt. Good Luck if you go!! See ya next year.----Powell River Jack
thank you Andy - knew it wasnt ash, I microscoped it and saw no glass crystals present, scope wasnt very hi powered but kinda seemed to be maybe fiberous root hairs, dont know, just something iv been wondering about for a while now, thanx for the reading material.
Joe D
I recently used some of my Devils Club in my Tiaga & Pinicola tea brew.
anyone getting any mushrooms around pemberton ,mt currie area lately??? boston bar??powell river and any prices .... must be almost done i guess.... vancouver for a day or two then i'll look again.... heard theres a few around powell river..... ger
cascade king, did a quick look and found a little, but not what the tip is called. will ask a collegue at OSU.
The standard for the name "mushroom" is the cultivated white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, hence the word mushroom is most often applied to those fungi (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes) that have a stem (stipe), a cap (pileus), and gills (lamellae, sing. lamella) on the underside of the cap, just as do store-bought white mushrooms. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mushroom#Identification
As for the color, it's not ash. We found the color to be related to soil decompisition. Check out this page. http://matsiman.com/introduction.htm
Later, Matsiman
Hello, Manic Jon Well, Brenda and I are headed to Randle to pick 200 lbs. of Devils Club. It's going over well on the market and there is high demand for it. Just wanted to say hello.
Yes you did and I was only funning a-round of Artillery at you no need to Launch Frozen Morel Missal's are your ex-wife at me lol
00ps, August did I neglect to mention my time in the Army after getting out of the Air Force....
I have honorable discharges from them both, when the Army tried to get me to become an Artillery Officer I decided that it was time to leave the military...
Then when I was about to graduate from the University the Air Force wanted me to become a Missile Launch Officer in the frozen north and by then I was married and my wife put her foot down... lol
Thanks Matsiman. I will look more into what OSU did on their research.
It makes sense that soil disturbance (and compaction) would be a major adverse impact upon this type of management objective.
later dud :)
Got to go and make some sales. Later
LOL! don't really know him but he seams to know a lot
At least John was a dog in the Army before he turn into a turncoat lol
A", I remember them fly boy in Nam had it really easy like fresh Hot and Cold running water and the best Food and housing with air and never needed to go in the bush unless they were shot down over the back country.
Yes, I know they did like they call you boy's dog fly's lol. Your in the money there Keeper of the Forest.
Its called ash that has been placed over thousen's of years by Volcano's but not all is gray and some places its brown and not all have the length as those found In Canada and the Northwest. It call a tipe
Andy - what is the grey tap root portion called on the matsi? no matter what soil condition or area the tap root always is the same color and length, it must by now have a scientific name for that area of the mushroom, that later becomes discarded. anything known why this tip is grey?
You have reminded me of why I volunteered for the more civilized service in the Air Force, back when I got my draft notice for Vietnam.
They may yell at you in basic training but they do not treat you like worms of the earth etc like in the army. We were treated with a bit more respect there.
Yes Sr, No Sr. Sr Duncan just don't call me Sr you mud dog. Now get down and give me 30 push-ups! and can you tell me what can of fungi's is in the mud? you pee- on. I well be your Drill Sargent for the Next 10 to12 weeks! I well tell you what to eat and when to sleep! you well be the dogs that well crew like worm's you are!. You well learn the eat and drink all over again!. You well dress just like each other because you are the same as the guy next to you and you" WELL Dress Me as SR"!. If you have something to say to me Keep It To Your Self! you worm of the Earth!. The pill of scum that you are!.You lived an easy life and have no morals for a brain that has worms in side of it. When you are done here you well be Men!! and you well lay down you life for a Morel that needs to cross the road to get to my bucket and you well never see a Morel Like I well teach you. Now get down below the earth and find me some Morels.
I dont mind the mud! The only problem is that where I will be going for boot camp the land will be cold and frozen this time of the year. They say I will be heading to missouri where them morels like to grow, but Jan-march it is going to be cold. After the boot camp I will have a tough time adjusting to the 28 weeks in Florida for training at an Airforce base. From there I am not sure where I might get to choose my base for my job for the army. I am hoping that camp pendelton is a go! Sure would love to live there, hell no rent on a base in cali! Be able to go north for matsi in da mts and chanties! I like Pittsburgh but Cali is more my year round climate. "A" and Boletes joe you guys rock! keep up the picking and posting in here and I will try and do the same. Oh and by the way if I make it in I am having one hell of a year end party here. No not on Matsiman good idea but in Pittsburgh. Hell maybe I will go North of the Boarder to celebrate with King Morel and Qpines. That is if they let me out of the country.LOL I got to run. Snowing lightly here. Morels getting there first light blanket of snow. Sleep my pretties sleep. Hey "A" I might have to have you send me down some morels to me in Florida if I am allowed to get packages. LOL
Keith Hunter, I know of no study examining effects of logging on matsi, may be one on chantie by Dave Pilz. He did a chantie study a few years back, but not sure what it was about. Dave is a scientist at OSU, specializing in editable ectomycorhizal fungi.
As for matsi, our effects of harvest paper also makes suggestions on how to locate and protect matsi during logging.
We found soil disturbance, second to only host tree removal, as a primary area for concern. Scientist generally agree effects of soil disturbance are probably similar on all mycorhiza.
I worked with the Crescent Ranger district in 2004 to locate and suggest treatments to conserve matsi. The district was truly interested in thinning and logging methods friendly to matsi. Previous attempts were failures, too much ground disturbance. It's a long story, but they decided to place skid roads out of patch areas and log with snow cover. We'll see how it turns out this time.
Later, Matsiman
OMG Dew, i am sorry... My phone has soo many messages and i am just overwhelmed :-(
Yes, I should be open tomorrow :-)
And remind me to give u directions to the house...
gennda, many people prefer to dehydrate them. Some people freeze them in vacuum sealed bags.
I found lots of Matsutakes today on Hyw 20 Washington.How do you preserve them????
carla, i dont know exactly where your house is! thats why i called so much, but then the number i have for you i could not leave a message, so are you open? Thinking about comming down tomorow so call me 999-4845
I am hoping that maybe someone could point me towards any research that has been done as to the buffer zone effects on chanterelles (or pines) from timber harvesting.
I have found some studies relating to the effects of thinning of stands and chanterelle production, and some studies on recovery of chanterelles following clear cuts, but nothing along the lines of what buffer would be adequate to protect existing chanterelle patches within proposed cut block areas.
Any help in this would be deeply appreciated. Thanks
It would be nice if we did not have to pay for a da_ permit and if they would stop cutting down the trees where the best mushrooms grow or at least help them to grow better in a Forest that they could thrive in with out them cutting the trees down. If my money was used right and for pro-ticking them and not build roads for logging and gates to keep us out then I would pay for a permit but they well do what they have over the last 15 years and them some. We all need to stand up and be heard! but most of you well never do a dam thing to be heard so lets not hear what they are doing unless you are welling the take a stand like I have ever year.!
Thanks Keith :-) It is nice to have some kind words on here :-)
Dew, next time just show up at the house ;-)
I may even feed you or something...lol
The pickers are the ones that get ripped off by the exporters. If there is a permit they have to pay for who do you think is really going to pay for it. In Canada the government dosen`t put their nose in and i`m sure its because there is more money in logging and they would have to fight with the industry to save enough land for people to pick. If the government makes the exporters pay...the pickers will pay more. I don`t think anyone should have to pay for permits because they pay taxes when ever they ship shrooms,buy supplies,gas and what ever we pay for to be able to get out there and pick. No matter how you look at it the picker pays...it sucks
If you Smash MATSUTAKES, it just makes them unsaleable. It doesn't destroy nature, instead it preserves the beds. I've been picking for over 20 years; I've made more than $600 a pound before. Now, it's not worth the effort. I Never picked anything but 1's, 2's & 3's. always squashing the rest on trees, which spread the spores and propagated the the mushrooms. Unlike the greedy, who destroy the beds by taking them all, and leaving the beds all dug up! Just let them keep picking like they logged the forests, and we'll need a moratorium on that too! Know what happens to the mushrooms when they clear cut the trees where they grow? Only exporters should need permits, and there should be a big export tariff too. Our country is getting ripped off; Stolen by those clinging to non-American values, and selling us out.
Duncan, you well cook for the troops and I really hope they love the food you put together in a fox hole some were for them. Good luck if you make it in boot camp, you well be a Brother in Arms and I well always keep you and your family in my prays.
Cascade king, Yep a little disappointing in the info department lately. You say you still have 50 questions about matsi to ask, so ask me. I may be able to answer one or two of them.
Later, Matsiman
Cascade king r u quitting and taking your toys home w/you?
Hey Duncan: ...interesting that it comes down to joining the forces in order to provide a safe future for your family. I'm sure you have given it a lot of thought. You know Obama will need some troops at the White house for protection etc. I will email him with the idea of having a chef to guard the kitchen in the big house. Hell, maybe you can get a position as a traveling chef, for when he has to go overseas.... but seriously, Good Luck with the new direction in your life. I wish you every success. Maybe you can whip up a nice dish of wild shrooms for some dignitary somewhere. When you do the mud crawling, just pretend you are looking for morels....
Jumbocat, At one time many,many years ago they did grow and live in a lot of places on the Vancouver Island but man has cut down all of the Forest. If man was no longer alive then they would return to there homes that we as man taking away from them. They well return now and then only to look around and see what it's like above ground and if man has left this world.
It looks like snow to snow showers by next weekend.
Carla I hope your season does last a while longer for you. We are going to wrap ours up this next week and call it a end until next year.
carla i was down your way wanted to come to house and hange could not get u to answer phone i went to gold beach call me sometime
I have not seen your name on the least of sponsors or sing on the to Matsimans Message Board & Forum. I have not seen anything added to the board as for in-put or help a person, But I have seen you put people down (i won't say whom) but we do know who you are Marion and Family. It all up to you to go away and stay away and just maybe things well get better here.
Andy I know you have put a ton of effort into your boards and iv had hints you were not completely satisfied with the new arrangements. Iam very well aware of all the other mushroom related boards out there and IM established thru them in my diversity.
Andy you were my first mushroom board, iv tried to keep up with the chaos and wade thru it and find little hints of education along the way - after 5 plus years I still have 50 questions waiting to be answered that surround the matsutakes secret life.
Now I can visit the magic mushroom or psychedelic boards and see a total difference in peoples attitude, their posts and a true educational presence amongst its members, not saying that I am for or against magic mushrooms but saying they seem to have more manners than some folks on your board and it completely stumps me, as to why?
I have personally made several friends on your board and IM grateful for this, as this has greatly increased my ability and knowledge of many different types of mushrooms I never pursued before, the satisfaction of this has been overwhelming and comforting.
My gripe is this 1/2 of these friends don't post any more, the cream of the crop of info is missing, the best of the brood don't post the vital facts my friends and I looked forwards too, each evening, pictures were one of the things we all enjoyed most and the main characters quit posting them, we Email now and bypass the whole bull chat cuz it has little or no value to us what so ever, IM sure it stimulates a few but in reality, it has turned away some great people.
I will step back and hide like some others who used to provide critical information the site now lacks hope your board gets cleaned up and heads into the dirrection you intended
Id rather be at a site that contains some smarter people, Im following them.
Cascad king, You made punctuation mistakes. Nobody rides your ass. Lot of people cant spell, i cant very well, i use dictionary to help myself. Mixed bag around here. Deal with it. Better yet leave.
Woot, it is sunny today after many days of boring old rain... This just may extend our Chanty season :-)
Well said Boletus Joe
Good luck to you Duncan, I well remember you when your in boot camp and don't let the young one's out do you in the field lol. Remember to let us all know how thing turn out after BOOT CAMP "Sr" and I hope you like mud for your low crawling LOL.:)
Hi all! Well I am sure this may come as a shocker to you, but I am 85% complete with my testing and paper work to enlist in the army. yeah I know I will be pushing my body to its limits being 40. I have scored well enough to be able to have an intelligence position. Yes I will still have the 10 weeks of boot camp and then 28 weeks of training at an airforce base in Florida. Not too bad of a way to spend this upcomming winter. I guess one could say I have been patient trying to find a better suitable job where I am and have 1 possible place for my cooking ability, but I am not sure hows todays interview went. To me it seem to go well but with so many people out of work it is hard to get the monies I need in a job. Not to mention benefits for a family of 3 kids and a wife. My last and final step for the Army is my over 40 physcial, I dont fear this I am in good shape and I know my cholestrol levels are good and everything else is good. Nice thing is that I dont get sent to boot camp until 2nd week in Jan. Yes it will be a small pay cut during boot camp, but my hours have already been cut. It will be a little rough on the family, but when all is said and done they can look foward to a new state to live in and free housing on the base, and BENEFITS for all! Am I worried about being shipped over seas, kind of but the pay rate triples. Who knows maybe I can choose a base over in germany! well all I have to run, but I will keep all of you and my tight peeps informed! Duncan out
Destroying Nature is NOT a boycott ///////// If you want to Boycott the quote"Cartel" stay at home. I can't stop you from stomping Matsi or any other mushrooms. Hell I can't stop you from tossing your beer cans in the bush. But perhaps you could educate yourself, by reading some of the more intelligent post here on Matsiman and elsewhere. But I enjoy picking mushrooms... we don't need some pissed off person that figures that he should get $20 a lb. for Matsi, out there throwing a tantrum, at the expense of someone else's enjoyment. I suppose you would go spray paint the business down the street that pissed you off. I don't even know why I take the bait... Gees! grow up.
i couldnt believe it that i found a porcini in my yard(vancouver island) ive been lookin for years. very cool. havent found more than one sloppy matsi this year. i keep reading such conflicting info, theyre goin to pop, or have already. why are they doing good in washington and not here? i admit i havent looked hard enough....oh well, good luck to all
I now squash every patch of Matsutake's I come across while hunting for other mushrooms. If everyone did, we'd have a boycott! If in order to get a permit, you had to be a citizen of that country, the Cartel couldn't import pickers to drive the price down. Write or call to your senate and congress today!
Aaaaah the good old daze....... According to cascade queeeeeeeeeeeeeeen! lol Wherez marin?
cascade king, Don't know how to tell ya this without hurting your feelings, or pissing ya off, but here goes.
The comment "have watched this site drain its intelligence" kinda puzzles me. Every page and picture is much the same as it was and has been for many years. The only pages that change attitude or direction of information, are the message boards. The messages boards are for you and all others out there. I assume you are concerned the message boards are less than they should be. Well guess what, I am too.
I have no control over what is posted, but I can delete posts, after they are posted. Sorry if some visitors can't spell or meet your standards for posting info. That's life. Most everybody visiting here enjoys the comical posts sometime found here. That includes miss spelled words.
My concern is posts condemning an individual because of their nature. Let us be who we are as we let you be who you are.
Finally, if you are so upset at what you find here, go to another site. I'm sure there are many out there that will fit your concept of a mushroom site. Some of the visitors have posted links, or just ask here for what your looking for.
You mean this sight used to be a sight where August and others argued? I have been on it for years and it has always been that way.
glad yee liked it compares to other similar posts on here from someone else seemed fitting to out smart the thinkers like you, have watched this site drain its intelligence wondering when it will become the site it used to be?
I smell an IP ban coming... :-)
cascade king,You make no cents so why even come here if you even know your to H--- on something
brainiac auglusto nort sale sail cel ttis snail moct dink mor coffle wel mak u smartr &smel beter wenc don wend 1-10 2-5 ne 1.34 grade 8 nut
we finally got the monsoons here in hope ...we went out anyways and dodged the pine trees that were swaying to & fro...lol...we only got a few matsi's and kept them to eat...we're not giving up though, still believe there will be one more pop before the snow hits.
There all belong to you Marion so go get them, I need not a job like you!!. I Have all I need and them some Pick 20lbs of chanteys today and 9lb's of matsi and the head hog's are doing fine but I know that the snow well be here soon and they have no sizes at this time unless you won't to pick baby's like you DO! so go snip your zilla some where else and your cascade king also!!
How about another espresso! Lets have a drink to the mushrooms that are still not out there... lol
I hate to see meanness on here :-(
i understand not liking false posts he might not be finding anything shouldnt be so harsh to judge thanks for your update though.
that august is so factless, snow not @ 10k loads of wild stuff still popping in the dryer locations and below keyword below, the only mushroom suffering in this rain is the chantys, they dont pay well so leave them in the woods, the hedgehogs are lovin the rains, matsi been strong since mid september and will continue to pop till the snows burry them maybe in early dec, , tons of action out there!
Coby, I think I'd wait a while on the truffles... still a little bit early to find much in the way of RIPE truffles.
Getting ready to go hit my truffle patches, looking for buyers with a reasonable price. Email me at Cobostyle@hotmail.com
Well good luck i hope you can find some in my patches for I know there gone, gone, gone.
Mushroom season in wa. is not over till the snow stays. i have been picking matsies for weeks. and not just 2 or 3 pounds.
In the snow that is.
Out on the road at this looking for that last Morel and if I get licky and my just get sticky lol
No Kim, that is just being friendly :-)
is there a yellowfeet buyer in powell river?
Hey August. I thought the mushroom season was over in WA? hahahahhahahaahahahhaha
Thanks for replying JDS ... there's a buyer here in Hope whom I like very much and she gives us extra when she can...but she still works for joe cartel. There are a couple of private japanese buyers around here too that I have also had the pleasure of doing business with, but they got their fill with the pounds of shrooms I laid on them. Good news though cause today I found someone who may be interested in the ones I dried...not going to japan though...going the other way....Calgary :)
Carla....agreed...we all need each other...group hug!!! or is that too hippy?? lol
Looks like the Joe's have agreed to set the price lower...starting today !Support your independent buyer !
A" , Haven't answered your calls cause I haven't received any. If your calling my cell, your not going to get me. Haven't checked , or used it in 6 weeks or more.
I am not in a place where I get cell reception. Rarely go to town, and when I do go, I usually forget my cell. Email me with your subject.
Later, Matsiman
A i got your message. Working nights tonight and tomorrow so call me if you want anytime from 7pm-8am. I'm still getting chantys
I truly believe that we all need each other in this business!
Andy, why have you not return my calls' I did stay the night at the holiday Inn last night????????
Buyers in CJ now. Little coming in, just a few pounds. Later, Matsiman
Kim...The buyer that I sell my mushrooms to is very aware of the importance of pickers, and treats them with respect and gives a good price for good mushrooms. Sure, there are some bad buyers, fly-by-nighters and those who treat pickers badly. But they don't last very long, do they? Maybe you ought to find a buyer who appreciates it when you bring in quality mushrooms!!!
"QUOTE>>> JDS:They fail to realize that without commercial buyers, the industry would dry up and blow away. "
the commercial buyers fail to realize that without the PICKERS the industry would dry up and blow away.
CD I hope you are staying afloat over there where you are. It has been a downpour here for about two days straight now. Zed, if you get a chance sometimes I would like to speak with you. My office number is 250-720-8907 and my cell phone is 250-731-3998
I want to thank all of the pickers who read this that have sold us chanties this year. We are still buying produce quality yellow chanterelles and have gone up on the prices the past couple of weeks. I hope everyone is safe and had a good year and I look forward to seeing you again. Our shed hours are from 3:00 to 7:00 now that the dark hours are sooner on us. (I still cannot get used to it being dark at 5 oclock)
well its been raining here a lot the last few days but yesterday it was in the form of snow so thats kinda depressing for the mushroom hunting.. its washed away now so tomorrow i have a hike and check things out.... had 10 lbs and 9lbs of buttons last week so there is some areas still coming with fairly new .... the 10 lbs was only 13 total and 2 were 2s so over 95%ones and 2s in that spot ....that amounted to good cash last thursday and friday... i did pick monday and tuesday too but scouting mostly .... now go away snow.... whats the prices and hows the crop in boston bar? full buckets ger
And now for something completely different...another insomnia post...Raining like a son of a gun tonight - Hi Zed, it seems I'm always a week or so behind your posts...not reading the board as much as usual lately. To answer your question though - same old areas...Horne Lake and Cameron Valley - I do agree that there is a lot of mush (chanties) but it seems to me there is still quite a bit of good stuff too. When I have been getting out I do okay, in the limited amount of time I spend out there. (maybe you're picking behind me haha) As for the pines, I think they will come, just not sure how hard. I have picked that early patch that I showed you on the cut bank twice now and each time I got about 4 lbs of beauties - which I think is promising considering it is only about twenty square feet. Nothing else in the area though, but like I say that is the early stuff. Late season obviously, but I think we're still in for something. Heading down to Victoria this week - will check some spots on the way - I'll keep you posted. Sorry again for my lag time. CD........PS, Carla you are so bang on with that commentary - for years I specifically sold to one buyer in particular because of how she graded her threes and fours - made untold thousands on them lol - come to think of it, maybe that contributed to the state we're in now in this business - I hope not. Anyway happy hunting folks, CD.
But I told u! haha
duuu I could of told you that BZilla
thin sliced/fried matsi in miso soup topped w/fresh green onions .... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Also have several pounds of fresh popped hedghogs 4sale...
good tips carla, i pre, grade all my product before i sell, so with me its, you take or leave it. learn to grade your own product and sell it as such, and you will always get top dollar; or just pick buttons no grading at all ha ha!
Any interested parties contact me at bugso1981@hotmail.com
Have lots of dried lobsters, boletes, pigs ears, and chantys if anyone interested
Hey Carla...the first time i picked in the states the buyers where calling it a 2 if the vail was showing at all. A 1 had to be a solid nugget with no vail showing...my how things have changed
Hi everyone ; Carla those confabulations that you just expressed in your last post remained me of those con artists that scam the gullible, you know the people that plays where is the king ? and they always have a way so you can't never find it ., I am very pleased that you express yourself with such honesty, good for you ! Hopefully one day we all can all conduct business in an honest way .
Oh yeah and don't forget to ask about the dink size... some say 2 inches and some say 2 1/2...
Hi what the price, u should also remember to ask what is the grade... We have 2 pine buyers here and 1 of them takes 1/2 veil for a #2 and the other takes a 1/4 veil so the one with the 1/2 veil is actually gonna pay u more even though she was quoting a dollar less in price... The one that takes 1/4 veil will call 1/2 veil a 3 and the only 1/4 left veil a 4... so it pays to watch the grading process very carefully :-) Where as the other buyer will take the 1/2 veil as 2 and the spider web as a 3...
I am not in the loop for pines, I just can't compete so i don't buy very darn many of them. I take the few that come in with the other mushrooms and that is about it...
When i send the pickers out the door with their pines, i am always careful to let them know that the one is paying more for 1's but the other will give them a better grade and they will get more in the long run from the 2nd buyer :-)
Garf,the video was taken in Powell River on lois lake.Raining like crazy in Hope and area but with any luck we may get a break in the weather and get out todo some searching for pines,got enough chants to get threw the winter now.Happy picking everyone! Shoegy
Cavegirl, I made a call for about Buyers and there should be down that way in a week and they know what is going on down your so hold on and they well be there. A"
matsi's in southern oregon....cave junction... lots of rain, lots of shrooms. cavegirl
where was mel from shoegy..... hard to get a read on where that youtube video would be ,,, but i would guess maybe up the coast towards bella coola.... RIP mel.... lost a few buddies myself ... specially my friend Gary Barrett better known as "Bear" my American buddy who served in Vietnam but when he got out came to Canada to live.... he taught me how to mushroom pick .... we worked together ,hunted together and in my drinking days hit it pretty hard together ... still remembered , always missed .... went out for a wander of about ten miles today and found a few .... the deer found more... lol buggars are actually taking their time and finding most of them,,,,, ger
thanx carla - garf here is a few shots from my visit to matsi town other pics and blogs are at matsutakemushroom at myspace
http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb176/sundanzkidd/calimatsione.jpg blue chanty part of about 5lbs i tapped into in a very special place http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb176/sundanzkidd/blackchanty3-1.jpg matsi cauliflower http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb176/sundanzkidd/cauliflowermatsi.jpg tall matsi http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb176/sundanzkidd/longermatsi.jpg
have a good one and enjoy the fresh rain, it will soon get old and lead to begging for a sunny spring day to nail morels on
mels last name is Gentry and the utube post is under Mels memories .....peace out ,And keep the prices high! Shoegy
starving, No buyers in CJ. Haven't been out to look. Wet, Wet, Wet. May go tomorrow. Later, Matsiman
price on van island 16 12 5 2.... as of monday. don't know if they have changed... very little coming in...zed.
nothing much happening here in hope/coquihalla. we need the monsoon rains...snowline came down too. We're hoping for a late pop.
lets get this guys name out their, so we can all keep are eyes open for him. always sell for the highest price, dont let anyone guilt you out. By selling for the highest price you support the pickers not the joes. if you see somone selling at a lower price ask them why tell them that they should suport this new movment . picker loyatey played a part in this mess and allowed the price to be pushed down farther. joe buyers dont buy if you have a lower price send pickers to the higher price. Your pickers will remember and will be back when your boss raises the price to where it should be. {always sell for the highest price make it a personal rule} good luck guys.
Is there still pines coming in Boston Bar?? Is it worth the drive for a day of picking ans at least some fresh air??
Is there still pines coming in Boston Bar?? Is it worth the drive for a day of picking ans at least some fresh air??
Goldwalker that is very good news indeed! I dont know why anyone would still sell to chung tho.
Well, The Great white snowmen has come down from the North to places a blanket over most of are beds so that they could sleep tell next Year. All I could ask from him is to not place so much snow like last winter that it took so long to melt off and for the ground to warm up witch took a long time for many patches to grow and per duce there produce. It's time for many of use to to go back and remember what we have learn from this last year and what we've seen as well. There is a lot to take in from what we have learn and we can talk about it this winter as we pounder over it.
Shoegy, what is Mel's last name?
Sundanz hope you're finding lots ever where that matsitown is.... is there new pictures up??? i just like seeing all different kinds of areas and pictures are great ..... found a few yesterday and i think the price was 22 .... didnt shop them as i was tired and wet..... today i go to a better patch i hope.... full buckets all ger
Goldwalker,it's great to see a positive post.It's just a matter of time before the Joes hang themselves.If they have no orders why are they buying?LOL Chung is now making Matsitaki pills (health food) that he sells for fifty bucks a bottle.Imagine the profit margin on them!Full buckets
Hi everyone...great news!! We are picking in Boston Bar just now and last week the price was a fair $26.00 a pound. Later the same day it dropped down to $15.00, supposedly no orders, (now that's a new one!) Well the good news is, there is also an independent buyer who still stayed at $27.00 for BOTH 1s and 2s! Oh yeah! And he is still buying at $27.00 while Chung is paying $20.00. We know for a fact he has heard about this independent buyer and that is the ONLY reason he went back up to $20.00. Too little to late Chung! He got NO shrooms from Hope and very few from Boston Bar. Everyone there is so happy about this new buyer and it looks like he's in for the long haul! How sweet it is! Stick together pickers and sell to any independents that come along! It's high time that this monopoly Chung holds gets busted! Competition is great for business but even better for the pickers! Happy shrooming everyone!
Well it took some time time to say goodbye to my mushroom picking brother so R.I.P MEL. ON YOU TUBE view there for you who knew him or those that care we all love the bush and love nature! shoegy
hey andy any info on the cave area, any buyers set up there yet. any information would be helpfull thanks full buckets everyone,,,,,,,,,,,,starving
Chainsawer,The only one that was there dalles and He's not one you would won't to sale to but there is a phone # of one that would buy and maybe would meet you half way. Call rick at 360-213-5158 tell him I sent you A"
Does anyone know if there are any buyers in the Cougar area? Would really appreciate any info.
Not mushrooms I meant buyers
Where can i find a mushroom buyers here in linn county and surrounding areas because the one i was going to is a little unfair and im tired of it. Please hook me up with some type of search or advise to find some others
Awwww Sundanzkidd, I do care that you found some and Congrats! :-)
Mycos,better get out quick snow levels are dropping quick.shoegy
Been a while on here - went to matsi town again, got lots, like any 1 cares, kinda useless info compaired to all the other BS on here or there, better updates on me webpage
Hi. Been years since I tried my hand at picking, and was wondering if there's anything happening above Hope on the Cocquihalla. I'd be driving from up Kamloops way, and would rather not have to go any further than I have to. And hell, even a big bucket of Chanterelles for personal would be nice to see, but if I can make a buck while I'm at it....hey! ;-). my email addy is my user name at shaw.ca
We are finally getting some rain here on the Oregon coast and the mushrooms are looking very beautiful indeed :-)
Garf, my email is enjoymushrooms@gmail.com send me some pics for sure, it sure is raining here!!! let em pop. L
hey Larry i'm on the mainland so i can't really get your patches..... lol .... just having a little fun with the lake cowichan thing... went for a steep hike yeserday and got me some flags..... grrrrrrr ... raining hard here again... leaves are really falling .... larry if you give me your e-mail i will show you some pictures from Friday and earlier on if you want .... i'm on facebook anyhow .... not sure if its my e-mail ger-takeaguess@hotmail.com or name which i prefer not to broadcast too much ..... maybe i'm paranoid ... ger
Hey Garf...yeah not much up island either......No, not Larry C, we´ve never met....good luck down there....stay out of my patch!!! lol have a good one bud
island price is now 16.00. by next weekend should be at about 3.00 the way its goin! is it really worth it anymore?...................no,but its the best easter egg hunt i've ever been on!!!!!!
Hey coastal gal....are you a picker also? gotta pick for a while before you can be a buyer...gotta know the prduct...the competition is fierce and the $$ is fickle unless you are comitted....when do you want to start buying???
coastal_gal...Unfortunately, quite a number of the people who post messages on this web-site have something against buyers. They fail to realize that without commercial buyers, the industry would dry up and blow away. I think it has something to with someone (besides themselves) making money on the mushrooms they pick. Maybe Carla or one of the other buyers who post here regularly will offer some advice to get you started. Good luck!
"coastal_gal" WHY?
Am looking for information on how to become a mushroom buyer. I am not sure if this is where I should be posting, or if there is already information on the site here?
independent please email me at whatsthepriceat@yahoo with contact info ( name number and or email ) so we can talk thanks .
carla what up were u been get the coffee started,.get ready to channnntttyyy!!!!!!pick pick tell u drope!! lol lol,. i can smell the pines grow,. lets talk soon
ok to be serious Larry , do i know you ??? I've been doing ok but its a pretty fine line and i do know a lot of spots and got lucky .... a lot of hiking involved.... the prices were still good yesterday .... so is this Larry C ?? ger
hey larry do you know where lake cowichan is on vancouver island ??? disaster though i only got 30 today ..... the price shes gonna drop .... just like the tsx ..... comparable actually both crooked businesses.... ger