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Mushrooms and Timber: Managing Commercial Harvesting in the Oregon Cascades


By David Pilz, Jerry Smith, Michael P. Amaranthus, Susan Alexander, Randy Molina, and Daniel Luoma American matsutake (Tricholoma magnivelare), which are harvested from Forest Service lands in the southern Oregon Cascade Range, provide commercial, recreational, subsistence, and cultural opportunities to forest users. The Winema and Deschutes National Forests have used collection permits and educational programs to address concerns about harvesters' activities and resource sustainability. Research on matsutake productivity shows that silvicultural options may reduce fire danger and provide revenue, jobs, and wood while improving forest health and increasing the availability of the mushrooms. Thus forest managers can expand their planning and management activities to enhance the commercial value of forests. JOF 97(3):4-11

Journal of Forestry
May 1999 Volume 97 Number 5

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